Peer Insights

Get clinical insight from allergists and ear, nose, and throat specialists (ENT) about their experiences with XHANCE. Dr. Ow, Dr. Murphy, Dr. Reh, Dr. Bedrosian, Dr. Siri, and Dr. Hill are paid consultants for Optinose.

Allergists discuss diagnosing nasal polyps

Allergists discuss diagnosing nasal polyps
Allergists describe their role in treating nasal polyps

Allergists describe their role in treating nasal polyps
Endoscopy Video Before and After

Allergists talk about their experience with XHANCE
An ENT discusses goals of reducing nasal polyp grade and improving symptoms

An ENT discusses goals of reducing nasal polyp grade and improving symptoms

In clinical trials, XHANCE significantly improved nasal congestion at Week 4 and significantly reduced bilateral polyp grade at Week 16 (coprimary endpoints)1:

  • Average reduction in congestion using a 0-3 point scale: 0.62 XHANCE 372 mcg BID vs 0.24 EDS-placebo (P<0.001)
  • Average reduction of polyp grade in a clinical trial using a 0-3 point scale: 1.41 XHANCE 372 mcg BID vs 0.61 EDS-placebo (P<0.001)
The clinical trials for XHANCE evaluated over 1500 patients.2
View endoscopy videos taken before and after treatment with XHANCE.