Surgery Subgroup: SNOT-22

Post hoc subgroup analysis Improvement in SNOT-22 in patients with or without prior sinus surgery Reduction in SNOT-22 score at Week 16 in the subgroups of patients with or without prior sinus surgery1 A post hoc analysis of a pooled population from NAVIGATE I and NAVIGATE II analyzed improvement in SNOT-22 score in the subgroup … Continued

INS Subgroup: SNOT-22

Post hoc subgroup analysis Improvement in SNOT-22 in patients previously using standard nasal steroids1 Improvements in SNOT-22 scores in the subgroup of patients reporting use of standard nasal steroids prior to study entry1 Mean SNOT-22 scores improved by 21 points at Week 16 in patients taking XHANCE (both the 186 mcg BID dose and the … Continued

INS Subgroup: Congestion

Post hoc subgroup analysis CONGESTION/OBSTRUCTION REDUCTION IN PATIENTS PREVIOUSLY USING STANDARD NASAL STEROIDS1,2 Reductions in congestion/obstruction at Week 4 in the subgroup of patients reporting standard nasal steroid use prior to study entry1,2 In a subgroup of patients reporting use of a standard nasal steroid within 30 days of the screening visit1: Patients reported a … Continued

INS Subgroup: Polyp Grade

Post hoc subgroup analysis POLYP REDUCTION IN PATIENTS PREVIOUSLY USING STANDARD NASAL STEROIDS1 Reductions in nasal polyp grade at Week 16 in the subgroup of patients reporting standard nasal steroid use prior to study entry1 In a subgroup of patients reporting use of a standard nasal steroid within 30 days of the screening visit1: Patients … Continued